• 11 August 2011, Thursday
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Workshop Appropriation: copying as a means of production

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4657 дней назад
с 11:00 11 August до 18:00 13 August 2011

The workshop Appropriation is dedicated to how new is generated from old. It will be divided in two parts: a theoretical and a practical one. In the first one, participants, together with teachers Sam Chermayeff and Catherine Chermayeff and invited Russian experts will discuss what copying and stealing actually are, and systemize their views. In the second part, participants will make several copies of objects and discuss the results, and they can ask Sam and Catherine Chermayeff questions on their work in photography and architecture.
Sam Chermayeff is a professor at the Dessau Higher School of Architecture in Germany and co-founder of June14 architectural bureau. While working for Tokio’s architectural bureau SANAA, he participated in preparing such projects as London’s Serpentin summer pavilion gallery, Derek Lam’s flagship store in New York and Torre Nerruda business center in Mexico. 
Catherine Chermayeff is a lecturer at the School of Visual Arts in New York and co-founder of the i2i international photo agency. Author of Fasion Photography Now and publisher of foreign books in the past, Catherine was special projects director with the Magnum photo agency.
Sam Chermayeff: «Our workshop on “stealing” and “copying” is about new post-modernism. We adhere to the theory that says that copying is a means of production and that links to sources are not needed at all. At the workshop, we want to talk about that with participants and experts and, most importantly, we want to copy several things: books, movies, design, etc.»  


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