• 4 August 2011, Thursday
  • Онлайн

Lecture Complicated objects: Noam Toran on the narrative possibilities of objects in cinema

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4648 дней назад
4 August 2011 c 19:00 до 21:00

Noam Toran is an artist that works at the crossroads of different disciplines, and he is the senior lecturer of the Design Interactions course of London’s Royal College of Art, one of the most influential post-graduate art- and design-programs. In his work — installations, performances and films — Noam Toran investigates anomalies of modern culture. His essays and projects have been published and exhibited in countries around the world, and they are on permanent display in the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA) and the Frac Île-de-France in Paris.

During his lecture, Noam Toran will talk about the narrative possibilities of objects in cinema, with examples of movies like «Kiss Me Deadly», «Dead Ringers», «Phantasm», and «The Maltese Falcon». On top of his lectures, Noam Toran gives a workshop at Strelka dedicated to the development and the gradual «coming to live» of new technology. Participants will write film scenarios and develop several projects.

Language: english (translated to russian)

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