• 26 July 2011, Tuesday
  • Онлайн

Lecture Yelena Babkina: techniques and secrets of a designer working with art objects and antiques.

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4659 дней назад
26 July 2011 c 19:00 до 21:00

July 26, 2011, tuesday, 19—21:00

Do we need art objects and antiques in a modern interior? Where to get them and how to place them? As an artist of applied decorative and monumental art and a teacher at the Higher British Design School, Yelena Babkina has been actively creating interiors for 18 years. She supervises the Design School’s program on home and public interior planning for students that lack relevant education or working experience in interior design. During her lecture, Yelena will talk about the techniques for using art objects and antiques in an interior. She will illustrate successful and unsuccessful usage by showing existing Russian and foreign interiors. Yelena Babkina: «The theme of antiques and art objects in the interior is, in my view, very meaningful but highly specialized, and there’s usually a lack of time in the curriculum to highlight it separately. In Russia, in contrast to Europe and Asia, little attention is given to paintings and sculptures. Quite often details and accents like those are wrongly used. But, it seems to me that both clients and designers are ready to change this situation.»


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