• 24 July 2011, Sunday
  • Онлайн

Theatre TSEKH at Strelka: Antidot

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4795 дней назад
24 July 2011 c 20:00 до 22:00

The LIQUID THEATRE spectacle is about people that imprison themselves in office boxes; it already happened at a milling plant and a linen manufacturer, in basements, trolley busses and shopping malls. Non-verbal ANTIDOT is protest nor manifest. It’s a smile for a grey crowd, where judgment is a solid convention, and life is the pursuit of success, fame and money.

ANTIDOT is one in three forms. It’s a performance in Kolomen Park, on the stairs of the Central House of Artists, in the windows of PROJECT_FABRIKA. It’s a demo in the streets of Chelyabinsk and Moscow. It’s a play on the stages of Moscow’s Assembly Hall, Chelyabinsk’s «Mannequin» theatre studio, Kostromsk Station, and Petersburg’s «Etage» loft-project.


An independent theatre group, uniting artists from different genres: drama- and circus artists, dancers and musicians, set designers and theatre critics. It’s interdisciplinary theatre in three cities — Moscow, Chelyabinsk and Saint Petersburg, that normally pops up in unusual places: stations, factories, museums, or in the street… And, adapting to circumstances, it sometimes moves to the stage. LIQUID THEATRE won the national «Golden Mask» theatre award in the «Experiment» contest, it got the «Action» award for supporting theatrical initiatives, and it made Sergey Kuregina’s short list.

Directors: Ksenya Petrenko, Alexei Zherebtsov

Actors: Svetlana Kim, Darya Demidova, Alexandra Poldi, Veronika Kim, Anna Rud, Ksenya Petrenko, Alexei Zherebtsov, Andry Smirnov, Denis Semenov, Kyrill Vitoptov, Vitalyi Borovik

Light: Oleg Tolkynov

Sound: Kyrill Pleshkevich

Music: Nine Inch Nails, The Cinematic Orchestra, Pyotr Leshenko, Four Tet, Bang on a Can; Mixed by Andrey Smirnov

Administrator: Yelena Pozhkova

Producer: Olga Korshakova Performance participant of the festivals: «Gold Mask» (Russian Case) — Moscow, «Zhivoi Theatre» — Saint Petersburg, «Festival of New Culture» — Moscow, NET — Moscow, Lichnoe delo — Moscow, «TSEG» — Moscow, "Goffman — Chelyabinsk. We thank PROJECT_FABRIKA and the TSEG Centre of Modern Dance and Performance for their support.

Language: russian

Price: 500 roubles


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