• 19 July 2011, Tuesday
  • Онлайн

Workshop All of Us: D&AD’s new White Pencil award

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4658 дней назад
19 July 2011 c 12:00 до 15:00

Design and Art Direction, founded in 1962 as a group of designers and art directors, selects each year’s best projects in design and advertising out of nearly 20,000 entries from 70 countries. There have been two categories of awards: Yellow Pencils for best work and Black Pencils for work that sets a new standard of excellence in the industry.

But there’s more to come. In 2012, D&AD’s 50th year, the White Pencil will also be awarded to a creative idea that changes the world for the better. For this award, D&AD is partnering with Peace One Day, an international campaign launched in 1999 by filmmaker Jeremy Gilley and supported by the United Nations in 2001. This year, D&AD invites all to join the campaign and to help make Peace Day 21 September as important a date as Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day.

How to approach the challenge offered by D&AD this year? What ideas and projects can in fact change the world for the better? How can design and advertising limelight the important issues and what issues can actually be thought of as relevant for the whole mankind today? These will be the topics of a workshop held by AllOfUs design consultancy. 




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