• 19 July 2011, Tuesday
  • Онлайн

Lecture Chemistry/LeapQ: Customer-oriented approach as a basis for a steady business

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4980 дней назад
19 July 2011 c 20:00 до 21:00

Lori Costello and Stephen Blanchette, the founders of LeapQ (ex-Chemistry), a company With hubs in Munich, London and Dubai, will share their experience and thoughts at «Strelka» on the importance of building long-term relations with the customer and about the necessity of brand promise that must be fulfilled. «It’s a very important issue for Russia, where companies still ignore the client’s needs in search of short-term profit», tells Blanchette. According to him, Yota can be considered as a positive example in this direction as a company that is not afraid of making decisions, and more importantly, giving public promises to the client and fulfilling them.


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