• 12 июля 2011, вторник
  • Онлайн

Lecture Sergey Kuznetsov: Parts of the whole: The story of an object in 10 episodes without intermission

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4664 дня назад
12 июля 2011 c 20:00 до 22:00

Making architecture, not spectacular concepts, but real buildings means a story of hard, systematic work, moving the project step by step from a beautiful sketch, made in a moment of inspiration, to batches of specifications, tons of concrete and stone, miles of pipes and wires. The result is made of many components: a big diplomacy of clients, architects and contractors relations, everyday choices between different solutions, materials or technologies. Architect Sergey Kuznetsov, the author of the headquarters building for the «Novatek» company on Leninsky Prospekt, will try to restore this chain and to identify the key points, which in the end, made the architectural and technical quality of the office building, that can compete with the best European examples.


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