• 19 July 2011, Tuesday
  • Онлайн

Workshop Hypernaked: Behavioural change

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4980 дней назад
19 July 2011 c 15:00 до 18:00

Hypernaked is the result of the merging of Naked Communications and Hyper, an interactive communications agency. Hypernaked is a creative company formed in the 21st Century to solve 21st Century business and marketing problems. It takes proud in its client approach: «We are independent and take neutral position when it comes to the elaboration of communication decisions. We always tell truth». Hypernaked managers Camilla Lie Jenssen, Craig Adams, and Tom Puukko, will do a workshop and lectures at Yota@Strelka Week. They will talk about the behavioral changes of the client by means of the digital century technologies, illustrated by their experience. We show work ranging from ‘Nokia Push’ to ‘Sony Open Planet Ideas’’, ‘Changing the perception of the beer industry’ and even ‘changing the name of a whole town to help reduce speeding’.


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