• 12 July 2011, Tuesday
  • Онлайн

Workshop Contemporary Approaches to Sound-mapping

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4924 дня назад
с 11:00 12 July до 18:00 16 July 2011

How can we map the temporary, the ephemeral? What does a city sound like? What are sound-marks, are they like landmarks? What constitutes a space’s sound-marks, or a city’s? Who is doing the mapping, for whom, and why? What can new technologies do to help map aural space? These questions will find its answers during the workshop on sound-mapping, led by Daniel Perlin — artist and sound designer, teaching in New York University and contributor to Domus magazine.

By first examining the history of sound-mapping, from its inception (15,000 bc) through contemporary uses, the workshop looks to the city of Moscow to engage in the project of mapping sound.

All participants will learn approaches towards experimental notation, cartography, deep listening and strategies for audio mapping. Special attention will be given to computational audio mapping techniques, audio intervention tactics, analogue and digital methods of sonic representation. Participants will create a final presentation of a sound map of a location within Moscow which will be produced during the workshop. This presentation will occur on the stage at Strelka on July 16, 2011.

Language: english

Price: 500 roubles

Target audience: designers, architects, media

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