• 1 July 2011, Friday
  • Онлайн

Lecture: Loop.pH: Designing Living Environments

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4682 дня назад
1 July 2011 c 20:00 до 22:00

Intervening at an urban scale calls for designers to move beyond specialist boundaries and take a trans-disciplinary approach by questioning how we can create living environments that synthesise both living matter and technological tools through the convergence of biology, ecology, architecture and design.

This will be the subjest of a talk will be given by designers from Loop.pH at Strelka. They already led a workshop on living environments at Strelka which results will be presented in Gorky Park. During thier lecture the designers will talk on thier approach in general an on the projects where it was implemented. Among those there is a living green pavilion with biological membranes made from loops specially designed for theShoreditch Festival 2009. Another one, made for Nobel Textiles Exhibition during London Design Festival 2008 is a modular photovoltaic membrane was prototyped for the installation that can be clad to our synetic textile architecture to provide both shelter and shade from the sun during the day and once evening falls light is cast into the darkness using low-power micro LEDs with printed circuitry. Another Loop.pH project involves not only nature,but also tradition: its an outsize parasol planted in an African village, which by day offers shelter from the sun, and by night, it sheds light for the local community using the energy collected in solar cells embedded in its canopy.


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