• 17 August 2011, Wednesday
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Movie Summer Times: Small Town Murder Songs

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4636 дней назад
17 August 2011 c 21:30 до 23:45

Canada, 2010
Director Ed Gass-Donnelly
75 min
Language: english / russian subtitles

Toronto International Film Festival – official selection
Gothenburg International Film Festival – official selection
Rotterdam International Film Festival – official selection

Village life in a Mennonite community in Ontario, Canada, is turned upside down by the murder of an unknown woman. Walter, the local cop, has never had anything to do with a crime like this before. In unraveling the murder, many secrets of the now respectable and converted policeman are revealed. Walter’s tranquil life with his gentle girlfriend has not always been in such calm backwaters, this much becomes apparent. In chapters with biblical titles such as God meets us where we’re at, an intriguing and rather bizarre portrait is sketched of a rural community.
Small Town Murder Songs is not an ordinary police thriller or a classic whodunit, but a character study; a story about striking family bonds and religious village busybodies. With a crazy score by Bruce Peninsula, who uses a rock choir behind key scenes in slow motion. An unusual and rather sombre glimpse of a Canadian subculture and the experience of a mysterious man.



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