• 28 June 2011, Tuesday
  • Онлайн

Strelka’s Educational Program: First Year in Review

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4907 дней назад
с 10:00 28 June до 18:00 29 June 2011

Nine months ago Strelka launched its first academic year: 35 students, 15 professors, and 5 themes for research all in all meant hundreds of tasks, questions for discussion and points of view. Students and professors will present the outcomes of their joint effort in the end of this month — June 28th and 29th.

During these two days each student will have a chance to make a presentation and answer questions from the audience. Experts are invited as well: architects and designers, journalists and sociologists, economists and geographers from Russia, USA, Holland and Great Britain will join the discussion and express their views on what has been accomplished in that time frame. At the end of this two-day presentation cycle, Members of Strelka’s Educational Committee Vadim Volkov and Mohsen Mostafavi will share their estimate of the first educational cycle as a whole.

Presentations and discussions will run from 10 am till 6 pm and everyone is welcome to join. Full program of the event will be available next week. The event is open to the public but number of seats is limited: online registration is required.


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