• 23 June 2011, Thursday
  • Онлайн

Lecture Talk-show: «On money, new media, art and advertising»

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4955 дней назад
23 June 2011 c 22:00 до 23:45

In the first place digital technologies change things related to communications: contemporary art, advertising, design. So sometimes it becomes almost impossible to tell one from another. What is going on today and what changes are waiting for us in future? Who pays for digital technologies and are they worth paying?

Talk about these issues — in a new for Strelka talk-show format — will feature Anton Belov (director of «Garage» centre for contemporary culture), Ruslan Semenov (director of etc russia company), designer Vladimir Pirozhkov, and Anna Shadrina (director of advertising department at Capital Group), and will be run by Roman Khireli — head of Proekt Communication Bureau.

Language: russian

Target audience: designers, media


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