• 20 June 2011, Monday
  • Онлайн

«Green technologies» in Russia outlook

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4958 дней назад
20 June 2011 c 20:00 до 22:00

«Green architecture», stable development, resourse- and energy saving — issues often discussed abroad, now more and more make Russin architects and builders interested too. At the same time, these technlogies are not so widely implemented in Russia. What prevents them from becoming widespread? Mentality, Russian climate peculiarities, real estate market specificities or something else? Senior specialists in different fields, experienced in «green technologies» use, adoption, and promotion in Russia will discuss and share their opinion on these issues at Strelka. Discussion participants will be: architects Sergey Kuznetsov and Anton Nadtochiy, whose buildings are now being certified by LEED; Alexey Polyakov — member of administration board of Ecological building Council; Alexander Maliutin — director of Sustainable Design&Development department at Ramboll company; Roman Feoktistov — chief project architect at AECOM company, which built first building in Russia, cetified by LEED. 


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