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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4954 дня назад
24 June 2011, начало в 19:30

Pecha-Kucha is a format of event, where speakers have 20 slides and 20 seconds for each slide to make presentation on any topic they like. Usually these topics relate to design, art, science, social or cultural projects. Pecha-Kucha is held in 414 cities all over the world, and according to the rules of this format — each time at new place. On June, 24, Pecha-Kucha will take place in Moscow for 15th time, not counting theme special issues. Producer Anna Gileva, script writer and playwright Evgeny Kazachkov and art-manager Katrina Menshikova are in charge of this event.


Vera Polozkova, poet. «Reverse side of fame»

Gleb Chugaev, editor of NTV information service. «History with Geography: how foreign maps destroy ordinary perception of the world».

Natalia Solovieva, quantum physics and elementary nano-electronics laboratory employee. «Nanotechnology: what is it about anyway?»

Anastasia Kurienko, international projects specialist at Photographer.ru gallery. «Flyfishing — the most humane type of fishing».


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