• 6 June 2011, Monday
  • Онлайн

Worldwide Web-Developer Conference

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4993 дня назад
6 June 2011 c 21:00 до 23:00

June, 6 is a remarkable day for Mac fans: Steve Jobs will open Worldwide Web-Developer Conference (WWDC) in San Francisco, where Apple will present Lion — a new generation of its’ operating system. Fans can also expect: Mac OS X 8th key upgrade; next version of iOS 5 — perfect operating system from Apple, which runs iPad, iPhone and iPod touch; and iCloud — awaited in the near future new product by Apple — clouds application. You will have a chance to watch this presentation online outdoors at Strelka and try barmens’ special mix — Appletini. ИЛИ On June, 6 Strelka will be showing this presentation outdoors online, while barmen will be serving special mix of the night — Appletini.


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