• 30 May 2011, Monday
  • Онлайн

Fabrics and wallpapers: Beyond the routine

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
5000 дней назад
30 May 2011 c 14:00 до 17:00

2 p.m. Lecture by Jesus Garabieta — Fabric makes difference

3 p.m. Lecture by Rafael Shafir — Architect and Fabrics

4 p.m. Lecture by Alberto Bermejo — Avant-garde onstage

Wallpapers and fabrics have long played not an auxiliary but a key role in interior design, whereas only professionals are success with experiments in this field. Three lectors are going to perform under the 3rd Festival of Spanish design in Strelka Institute; they will tell how to put stresses and entirely transform the interior using fabrics and changing walls decoration. Wallpapers produced by «Tres Tintas», Barcelona, are unusual and even avant-garde: one can see there either stereo images, or painter’s sketches, or kid’s scribbles on the wall. Alberto Bermejo Buizan, art director of Tres Tisntas, is going to speak about importance of walls decoration in creation of interior. Jesus Garabieta, art director of company «Gaston y Daniela», dealing with interior fabrics for almost one hundred and fifty years, creates his designs with respect to the company style, but at the same time, modern, vivid, and catchy. He will tell how fabrics change the interior, and how to use them to create interior design. Rafael Shafir, who has built seven-storey hotel «Golden Apple» on Malaya Dmitrovka, Moscow, is going to talk about fabrics as both an architect, and a designer: besides architecture, Shafir is involved with interior and furniture design.


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