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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4951 день назад
15 June 2011 c 20:00 до 22:00

When we talk about architecture, we more often refer to palaces than slum areas. When we talk about the problem of housing for the poor, we don’t consider design elements. Projects by the Chilean architect, Alejandro Aravena is a good example of how social housing and beautiful design can be combined successfully with each other, while avoiding unreasonable costs. Aravena is an architect with the active social position. He designs homes for low-income families, so they are not only inexpensive to build and convenient to use, but also beautiful in architectural sense. His accomplishments in this area brought him and his bureau Elemental the Silver Lion at the XI Venice Biennale for an apartment complex for Monterrey in Mexico. One of the latest projects by Elemental and Aravena has come as a reaction to the tragic earthquake in Chile. The catastrophe that occurred on February 27th caused numerous casualties and left many people homeless. Elemental proposed a solution by building simple blocks of low houses that are affordable to the poor. During his lecture Alejandro Aravena will talk about how he implemented this social project in Chile in accordance with the plan of «Day 1 — Day 10 — Day 100.» He will also discuss recent projects done by Elemental in Europe and Latin America.


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