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Другие события организатора

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4959 дней назад
с 14:00 7 June до 20:00 10 June 2011

There are dozens of art, design and architecture biennales all over the world. Every two years this or that city brings together curators, professionals and audiences from different countries. Some of these events are just large exhibitions; others are more like fairs or festivals. It all depends what the organizers find interesting and suitable for a particular city. However, it’s not only the city that influences the format and content of the biennale, but also the biennale directly affects the city. This particular relationship will be explored in Strelka’s workshop «Biennale City» led by two curators from Hong Kong: Alvin Yip, a researcher of public spaces and a professor of the School of Design at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Henry Chu, an artist and web designer.

The curators will offer a unique opportunity to explore the relationship between cultural events and city’s image by developing applications for iPhone and guides to Moscow’s activities and sites for foreign tourists. The result of the workshop will be a concept for applications like maps, handbooks or even games.

During the workshop, participants will be able to analyze the potential of various cultural events and explore modern approaches to communication design. We are happy to invite to participate in the event senior students and graduates from schools of architecture, design and journalism, as well as everyone who is interested in the city and its cultural


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