• 13 May 2011, Friday
  • Онлайн

Music Summer at Strelka Opening: The Apparatjik Light Space Modulator

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Unfortunately, there are no more invitations for the Summer at Strelka opening night and the performance of Apparatjik. You are welcome to attend other Summer events!

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4976 дней назад
с 20:00 13 May до 0:00 14 May 2011

Choosing a guest for the opening of the Summer at Strelka program was a very long process that we have started already in the fall. And now on Friday, May 13th, in the Strelka’s courtyard the artist collective Apparatjik will do an audiovisual performance called «The Apparatjik Light Space Modulator». Apparatjik is a transdisciplinary working collective founded by Guy Berryman from Coldplay, Jonas Bierre from Mew, Magne Furuholmen from A-ha and the producer Martin Terefe, who worked with A-ha, KT Tunstall and Jason Mraz. 

You can see the opening of the summer season and the spectacular performance of Apparatjik by registering here. We have 200 invitations for two people each.


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