• 16 July 2018, Monday


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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
2313 дней назад
с 12:00 16 July до 12:00 29 July 2018

International multi-scalar investigation on the implications of emergent techniques in our planned environments

The world’s economy is addicted to fossil energy sources, and the construction industry is one of the heaviest users. The energy and material consumed in the course of this process become inaccessible, and after the end of the building’s lifespan, its remains are being buried on landfills.

New production processes give the possibility to explore advanced tools that transform global and mass production methods into customized, local, accessible and, by these means, sustainable ones. Advancements in the field of material sciences, as well as living materials, also open up the potentials to nature based or bio-inspired hybrid solutions. A set of computational strategies support the integration of form, material and structure by incorporating physical form-finding strategies with digital analysis and fabrication.

Our proposal for the GSS MSC 2018 is engaging with this challenge on the material, procedural level. At the core of the concept is a building element made from bioplastics – a range of polymers that do not depend on energy-hungry petro-based industrial infrastructure, but use locally sourced renewable materials as their primary ingredient, and are accessible to distributed modes of production.

From advanced urban theories to public space analysis, from material tests to the digital simulations and design, from design proposal to fabrication of the final prototype – the investigation will be integrating technology, biology and new production methods for generation of the design for hybrid urban element for public space. The final goal of the course will be a design and fabrication of an urban element in 1:1 scale.

Within the GSS18 MSC program participants will be

—  investigating new computational and fabrication strategies for production of responsive and sustainable design solutions;

— learning both software to hardware;

— incorporating physical material research and form-finding strategies with digital design, structural analysis and robotic manufacturing methods.

IAAC GSS is open to creative and innovative people who are interested in fields such as architecture, urban planning, digital fabrication, design, etc., searching for a multidisciplinary experience in an international environment. No previous skills are required, although CAD design, programming and digital fabrication skills are welcome. The official language of the course is English.

GSS18 MSC is organised in collaboration with Strelka Institute and Shukhov Lab of HSE Graduate School of Urbanism. Research and project development will be supported by academic lectures, tutorials and desk crits. with international experts, academics and designers.

The Global Summer School (GSS) is a platform defined by ambitious, multi-scalar investigation on the implications of emergent techniques in our planned environments. Each year, international teams located in key cities around the globe explore a common agenda with projects that are deeply embedded in diverse local conditions. Because of this, participants have an international laboratory to test their design hypothesis, understanding how design conclusions derived locally can be tested and evolved globally in different cities where other teams reside. This intensive two week course connects each participant to ongoing research agendas in robotics, simulation, physical computing, parametric design, digital fabrication, and other relevant emerging design methodologies. Specific emphasis is placed on understanding the implications of design conclusions, thus creating critical research advanced on the application of new technologies in design.

For any questions related to GSS program applicants can contact us via this email: gssmoscow18@iaac.net.


Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

Shukhov lab HSU


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