• 23 May 2013, Thursday
  • Moscow, Берсеневская наб, д. 14 стр. 5А

Итоги воркшопа Archiprix: ЧТО ЕСЛИ... избавиться от стереотипов городского планирования?

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4014 дней назад
23 May 2013 c 14:00 до 15:30
Берсеневская наб, д. 14 стр. 5А

Participants of Archiprix workshop, winners of the most popular international competitions among young architects, will present the results of their research in Strelka's courtyard.

In their research the participants investigated how  Russian stereotypes of urban planning could be debunked and what kind of changes urban spaces would undergo, if these norms did not exist.

Under the supervision of architects and urban planners the participants were looking into such issues as green zones and school yards, railway stations and their environs, restricted military and secret service zones, standardization of construction norms and personal space in an urban environment.

About Archiprix International competition

Biennially Archiprix International chooses the best graduation projects from Architecture, Urban Design and Landscape Architecture schools around the globe. Each time competitors and judges gather in a new city – award ceremonies have already taken place in Rotterdam, Istanbul, Glasgow, Shanghai, Montevideo and Cambridge. In 2013 Moscow hosts the competition.

This year’s event is supported by Strelka, the Moscow Architecture Institute, Garage Center for Contemporary Culture and the Central House of Artists.

Presentations of the workshop results and this year’s winning projects of Archiprix International will also be on show at the Arch Moscow 2013 exhibit at the Central House of Artists on Krymskiy Val.



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