• 5 июня 2012, вторник
  • Москва, Берсеневская наб., 14, стр.5

Green Strelka

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4353 дня назад
5 июня 2012, начало в 20:00
Берсеневская наб., 14, стр.5

For whom the "green offices" are made for? What is biomimicry in architecture and how does the eco-design of the future work? These questions will be considered by the experts and specialists during the first environmental event dedicated to the celebration of the first anniversary of the green Strelka.


One year ago, on 5 of June 2011, Strelka Institute became the first green office in Russia with a certificate of environmental compliance "Leaf of Life". On its first green anniversary Strelka will open the office doors and give a tour to all the visitors, will take stock of the year and tell about how to go green. Guests of the evening include Julia Pronina from Greenpeace, Guy Eames, Director General of the Russian Green Building Council and Anton Kuznetsov, a spokesman on environment. They will share experiences, discuss green offices worldwide and eco-design of the future. Yaniv Peer will continue the evening with a lecture on the green architecture and biomimicry in architecture.

In London Future Systems studio Yaniv Peer has worked on the projects of Budvar concert hall and congress centre in the Czech Republic. Later in the Exploration Architecture bureau he carried out several projects based on biomimicry of architecture. Among them was the Sahara Forest Projekt which is an example of synergetic cluster. The aim of it is to provide the region with clean water. Yaniv is actively cooperating with the universities worlwide, particularly with the University of Architecture in Paris and the European Institute of Biomimicry. For Yaniv biology, design and environment are the key components of biomimicry in the architecture.

After the lecture the film Last Call For Planet Earth by Jacques Allard will be screened. The film is the story of the 12 architects who carried out their environmental projects.


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