• 1 June 2012, Friday
  • Moscow

Time to Decide: What is the Model of Effective Public Consultation?

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4357 дней назад
1 June 2012 c 19:00 до 22:00

What do you need to do so that the citizens and the professional community could influence the process of urban development? How can public consultations become an integral part of the decision-making process?

During the discussion, Dmitry Narinsky, Alexander Antonov, Oleg Baevsky, Tatyana Gudz, Vladmir Kharchenko, and Alexander Lozhkin will develop a public consultation model. 

Subsequently, the model will be tested and improved in the course of other Time to Decide discussions, where participants will talk about specific urban development problems and review possible ways to solve them. The aim of the discussions is to influence the decision-making process and make public consultations an inherent part of urban development. 


Dmitry Narinsky, moderator, advisor to the Board of Directors, Union of Architects of Russia; leader of the coordination board, Union of City Planners

Alexander Antonov, chief architect, Research and Design Institute of Urban Development;

Oleg Baevsky, deputy director, Research and Design Institute of Urban Development;

Tatiana Gudz, deputy director, Bureau of Urban Projects, Perm;

Vladimir Kharchenko, lawer, Lawers for Civil Society

Alexander Lozhkin, professor, International Academy of Architecture; Bureau of Urban Projects, Perm.



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