• 3 June 2012, Sunday
  • Moscow

David Basulto and David Assael: How to Communicate Architecture?

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4355 дней назад
3 June 2012 c 20:00 до 22:00

How do digital technologies change architecture and design? How should we communicate architecture on the Internet in order to convey the architects’ ideas to the general public? These questions will be answered by architects David Basulto and David Assael, the founders of ArchDaily.com.

In 2006, David Basulto and David Assael launched Plataforma Arquitectura, which soon became the most visited Spanish-language website on architecture. In 2008, he decided to expand the project and launched ArchDaily.com, an English-language website. Today, ArchDaily is visited by more than 320,000 people every day, and about 520,000 people monitor it on Facebook.

David Assael graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile with a master’s in urban planning. He is now a professor of the university’s School of Architecture. David is a co-founder of Plataforma Networks, a project that today comprises the Internet websites Plataforma Arquitectura, Plataforma Urbana and ArchDaily.

David Basulto, too, graduated from from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He is a co-founder of Plataforma Networks и the editor-in-chief of Plataforma Urbana, Plataforma Arquitectura and ArchDaily


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