• 1 марта 2012, четверг
  • Москва, Bersenevskaya Embankment 14, bldg. 5A,

The Center for the Study of New Media & Society (part of the New Economic School) at Strelka

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4446 дней назад
1 марта 2012 c 19:30 до 21:00
Bersenevskaya Embankment 14, bldg. 5A,

Sam Greene, director of the Center and professor of political science at the School, will present the Center’s mission, current projects and plans for the future, and the opportunities it creates for collaboration, before discussing his recent essay, the End of Virtuality.

The Center for the Study of New Media & Society was launched in July 2011 as a new, international and interdisciplinary research center at the New Economic School in Moscow. Bringing together economists, political scientists, sociologists and media and Internet professionals, the Center aims to support academically rigorous, policy-relevant research in four core areas:

1. New media sociology
2. New media economics
3. New media politics
4. E-governance, Open Government and new forms of state-society interaction on-line

All interested parties are invited. Participation is free.


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