Accelerated Terraforming

Воркшоп об экологическом подходе «Стрелки» и методологии в дизайн-исследованиях.

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На трехдневном воркшопе содиректор постдипломной программы Института «Стрелка» Николай Бояджиев расскажет о вопросах, которые поднимает исследовательская программа The Terraforming. Think-tank посвящен преобразованию городов, технологий и экосистем Земли для поддержания жизни на планете. 

Термин «терраформинг» встречается в научной фантастике — и означает такое преобразование экосистем других планет, которое делает их пригодными для жизни человека. Мы же используем этот термин, когда говорим о нашей планете и изменении городов, технологий и экосистем с вниманием к будущему Земли. 

Участники воркшопа познакомятся с уникальным образовательным подходом программы The Terraforming к дизайн-исследованиям. Под руководством экспертов они по-новому посмотрят на надвигающиеся кризисы современности, которые требуют системных изменений планетарного масштаба, и в небольших группах по 2-3 человека разработают свои оригинальные предложения в формате видео или презентации.

Условия участия:

  • Заявки принимаются до 13 октября включительно, количество мест ограниченно

  • Стоимость участия в воркшопе — 3000 ₽

  • Воркшоп пройдет полностью на английском языке.

По всем вопросам пишите продюсеру Даше с темой письма «Воркшоп на Стрелке».

Бесплатное обучение на программе The Terraforming 2022 начнется 1 февраля 2022 года и продлится 5 месяцев. Подать заявку на обучение можно до 7 ноября включительно на сайте

Подробнее о воркшопе на английском:

An overview of Strelka’s ecological approach and design-research methodology

In this 3 day workshop, Strelka’s Postgraduate Education Program co-director Nicolay Boyadjiev will present an overview of the themes, conceptual provocations and collaborative methodologies driving The Terraforming — Strelka’s ongoing multidisciplinary design-research think tank investigating the future role and growing agency of cities as the planetary network by which we occupy the Earth’s surface.

The term ’terraforming’ usually refers to transforming the ecosystems of other planets or moons to make them capable of supporting Earth-like life, but the looming ecological consequences of what is called the Anthropocene suggest that in the decades to come, we will need to terraform Earth if it is to remain a viable host for Earth-like life. The Terraforming thus refers both to the terraforming that has taken place over the last century and millennia over the course of urbanisation, and to the terraforming that must now be planned and conducted as the planetary design initiative of the next century if true catastrophes are to be prevented.

During the workshop, participants will learn alternatives to mainstream design culture “optimising” for pre-determined outcomes by framing different questions, expanding the space of possibility and proposing more appropriate design interventions across more appropriate timeframes, scales and disciplines. The workshop presents an overview of the think tank’s unique design-research approach by asking how trans-disciplinary designers and other practitioners can work collaboratively at this critical juncture in order to communicate more ambitious, ambiguous and open-ended concepts to more appropriate and less conventional audiences.

Working in small groups (2-3 people), participants will create atypical speculative design-research briefs and produce unexpected proposals in narrative or cinematic formats.

In producing these, groups will:

— learn about speculative design-research and a range of creative / generative frameworks,

— prototype scenarios and extrapolate initial research and insights into bold propositions,

— storyboard, script, edit and present a final design pitch/presentation/media outcome

As a result of the workshop, each group will produce a 5 minute design pitch and/or a 1 minute cinematic trailer in a similar format to the yearly outcomes from the program.

Workshop schedule:

Friday, October 15th
17:30-19:30: Introduction Seminar
+ Evening (Optional, 1 hour): TTF 2020+2021 Projects Screenings with drinks

Saturday, October 16th
11:00-12:00: Recap + Project Brief
(lunch break)
13:00-16:00: Group Work + Reviews (self-organised)

Sunday, October 17th
11:00-16:00: Group Work + Reviews (self-organised)
16:00-17:30: Final Presentations

About the workshop tutor: 

Nicolay Boyadjiev is an architect, strategic designer and creative director working between Montreal and Moscow. He is currently the co-director of Strelka Institute’s postgraduate education program, where he co-leads “The Terraforming” interdisciplinary design-research think-tank. He is also the co-author and editor of “The New Normal” (2020, Strelka Press + Park Books): a comprehensive record of the projects and insights developed during the 2017-19 design-research cycle at Strelka, developing and prototyping new models for urban design practice at the intersection of software, cinema, strategy, and planning. Prior to joining Strelka, he has worked as an architectural designer, researcher and strategist at internationally renowned studios ranging from boutique consultancies to larger architecture firms. He is currently based in Moscow (RU).


1256 дней назад
15 октября 17:30 — 17 октября 2021 21:00

Берсеневская набережная, 14 стр 5
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