• 28 January 2012, Saturday
  • Moscow, Берсеневская набережная, д.14 стр. 5а

City: Between Practice and Theory

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4479 дней назад
28 January 2012 c 11:00 до 18:00
Берсеневская набережная, д.14 стр. 5а

Day two

To mark its twentieth birthday, the New Literature Observer journal and publishing house together with Strelka Institute are holding an international interdisciplinary conference entitled The City: Between Practice and Theory. The conference will present varous approaches to urban studies and versions of interpreting the past, present and future of cities. Researchers and thinkers from Russia, The USA, Singapore, The United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany and other countries will take part in the conference.


The New Literature Observer journal and publishing house


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