Archilovers. On social media architecture

What’s at stake with social media influencing how we live and go through cities?

Искусство и культура 16+

This lecture focuses on the phenomenon of social media architecture and the ways in which ‘instagrammability’ has become a key design and evaluation criterion. Touching on the features of social media architecture, we dwell on its global significance, as it intertwines with real estate speculation and mass tourism. We expand on the long-standing relationship between images and architecture, touching on traditional photography, architecture as a ‘system of representation’ (B. Colomina), the rise of the rendering and the impact of social media in peeking and showing off via Pinterest boards and YouTube home-tours. As the consequences of social media architecture are many, we will cover a range of topics, such as the privatization and commercialization of public space, as it connects to issues of privacy and control in an increasingly ‘smart’ world; social exclusion through the creation of gated communities disguised as niche and prohibitive co-living spaces; the global standardization of city-scapes; the environmental sustainability of this model of construction and development, particularly in its link with issues of climate change. Finally, we muse on the impacts of the global pandemic: will it slow down or rather accelerate these trends? 


Giulia Pistone 

Сontemporary art curator interested in practices at the intersection of architecture, urbanism and domestic space. Giulia holds an MFA in Curating from Goldsmiths, University of London. In 2015, she co-founded ANGL Collective, a curatorial collaboration producing exhibitions and projects. She is currently based in Bologna, Italy.

Fabiola Fiocco 

Сontemporary art curator and museologist based in Rome, Italy. Her core interests are architecture and biopolitics, and sexuality. Fabiola holds an MA in Museology from Reinwardt Academie in Amsterdam and an MA in Art History from Università Roma Tre in Rome. In 2017, she initiated homeawayfromhome, an open-ended online platform reflecting on home, dwelling and belonging.


1643 дня назад
14 сентября 2020, начало в 20:00

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