World Without Work: Coronavirus + Post-Capitalism

Co-author of “Inventing the Future” Alex Williams will share his vision for what will bring us nearer to a post-capitalist future. Spoiler: it should be a system based on radically reduced amounts of waged work and high degrees of workplace automation that will replace our present economy

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Today many voices are discussing Coronavirus as a pivotal moment for global economy and politics. To save our populations from the disease, many must be blocked from working as usual. Many nations have implemented policies suggested by post-capitalist thinkers. 

Alex Williams will introduce what post-capitalism as set out in ’’Inventing the Future’’ looks like and what it is responding to, examine changing world of work, calls for UBI, revaluing of labour as a social guarantor of meaning. He will consider a few different countries and some global responses to pandemic and the rhetoric surrounding them as being proto-post-work in nature.

Alex Williams is a lecturer in politics and digital technologies at the University of East Anglia in the UK. He is the author of books such as Inventing the Future: Post-Capitalism & A World Without Work, (Verso, 2015, with Nick Srnicek) and Political Hegemony & Social Complexity (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2019). He researches how power and strategy are transformed by technological change and social complexity.


1516 дней назад
2 June 2020 19:00–20:30

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