• 30 June 2014, Monday
  • Moscow, Берсеневская набережная, д. 14, стр. 5а


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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
3597 дней назад
с 11:00 30 June до 19:00 1 July 2014
Берсеневская набережная, д. 14, стр. 5а

Two-day workshop with the participation of leading Dutch architects and city developers in frames of the series "Rethinking Europe – European experience in the city development". PRICE: 800 RUB

During the workshop, representatives of the architectural and urban community of Amsterdam will explore specific case in Moscow — the area situated in Moscow city center, directly opposite Zaryadie area, between Raushskaya and Sadovnicheskaya embankments.The purpose of the workshop is to rethink the European standards and approaches in the development ofterritories and apply successful practices for Amsterdam as an example of the proposed site in Moscow in the process of dialogue between architects, representatives of the city of Amsterdam and Moscow administrationand workshop participants.

Following a series of four workshops Strelka Institute and Fundació Mies van der Rohe will be develope a list of recommendations for the integrated development of the Raushskaya embankment territory.

Giovanna Carnevalli – Director of the Fundació Mies van der Rohe in Barcelona.

Kees Kaan – Dutch architect and founder of KAAN Architecten and Claus en Kaan Architecten. His research focuses on large scale projects that characterize rapid global urbanization. Examples of his work are the Netherlands Forensic Institute in The Hague, the Heimolen Crematorium in Sint Niklaas and the Supreme Court of the Netherlands in The Hague. Kaan is currently responsible of the Chair Complex Projects of the department of Architecture at Delft University of Technology. Kees Kaan is a nominee for the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion Award (1998).

Gus Tielens – Dutcharchitect and co-founder of Korth Tielens Architecten in Amsterdam. The office works in the field of architecture, public space and infrastructure. She was trained at the Technical University of Berlin and Delft University of Technology. In 2006 Korth Tielens Architecten received the Prins Bernhard Cultural Funds’ Charlotte Köhler Prize for architecture and in 2012 the Zuiderkerk Prize. Besides her work as an architect Gus works for various architecture and art schools and and is an editor of OASE.

Jaap Graber – Dutch architect, a member of commision for architecture quality of the city of Amsterdam. After a long and successful career as an architect and urbanist he founded PLAN, an agency with it’s focus on urban concepts, development and research. PLAN is involved in concepts for the build environment for the coming 10 years. Their work method is based on the dutch way of developing urban fabric we also work on international projects and projects for the United Nations.

Sabine Lebesque is an architecture historian, urbanist and city developer. She is working for over 14 years for the Development Corporation of the City of Amsterdam. Sabine wrote several publications about urban development and or built environment or architecture in Amsterdam. In her daily work she is involved into urban development by being member of the Investors Office of the city council. She is regularly teaching at several educational institutes, and worked for ten years at the Netherlands Architecture Institute.

Series "Rethinking Europe – European experience in the city development" is prepared specially for the summer program of the Strelka Institute in partnership with the Fundació Mies van der Rohe.

Fundació Mies van der Rohe is a platform whose core mission is to inspire the world through architecture. It encourages and sponsors activities related to good architecture on the basis of the values represented by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, advocating its role as a strategic thrust for the improvement of our cities- the quality of life of our people and their cultural enrichment. In the 30 years since its establishment, this Foundation has, through its biennial "European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award", become the leading promoter of European architecture as a key value in world culture.



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