• 23 September 2011, Friday
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Lecture Architecture and media: how to talk about architecture

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4606 дней назад
23 September 2011 c 18:00 до 20:00

The interaction between text and architecture changes with the passing of time. Text, initially having a secondary, supporting narrative function, has slowly evolved into an independent, and sometimes dominant, part of the architectural process. Participants of this discussion (architects, critics and researchers) will try to answer questions such as: what position fulfills text in relation to architecture today, what can architecture and media give each other, in what formats can we talk about architecture today, for which audience is the information, and is presenting architecture a monologue or a discussion? Could lay-outs, illustrations and infographics replace texts about architecture? Can analysis of trends and processes, architectural criticism, and social movements on social networks affect the nature of design and construction?


Nikolai Malinin, Alexei Muratov, Tamara Muradova, Elena Petukhova, Maria Fadeeva, Gleb Vitkov, Alexander Rapoport.

As a part of: Social Media Week in Moscow

Language: russian


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