• 24 September 2011, Saturday
  • Онлайн

Lecture What Platforms Are Interesting and Popular Among Advertisers

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4601 день назад
24 September 2011 c 12:00 до 13:00

Today many advertising methods are no longer effective and fail to attract consumers, so advertisers lose interest in them. Only 3-5% of users of applications for social networks actually pay for them. What are the next-generation ads and their capabilities? The speaker will tell of new web platforms, new discussion topics and the users’ interests. The lecture will cover collaboration between advertisers and developers on such projects and the difficulties that may arise.

Speaker: Andrey Fadeev (CEO, Progrestar)

Curated by TOoBEeDOo

As a part of: Social Media Week in Moscow

Language: russian


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