• 20 September 2011, Tuesday
  • Онлайн

Discussion «Interactive» Politics: Will Social Media Help Building Democracy?

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4609 дней назад
20 September 2011 c 19:00 до 21:00

Social media (blogs, Facebook and Twitter) give the authorities a means to talk directly to the most progressive part of electorate. How do politicians, regional and federal authorities plan their PR-campaigns in social networks and how does the audience react? Is this communication a two-way process? Have the authorities and the population grown closer to each other? Can social media become a place where Russian civil society will be forged?

Goals: to discuss real Russian political socialization practices and to assess positive and negative effects of the process.

Curated by SUP.

Moderator: Dmitry Demchenko (chief moderator, Dmitry Medvedev’s blogs).

Participants: Roman Badanin (first deputy editor-in-chief, Gazeta.ru), Roman Cheluskin (chief editor, Livejournal.ru), Marina Litvinovich (blogger, abstract2001.livejournal.com/...).

As a part of: Social Media Week in Moscow

Language: russian


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