• 14 September 2011, Wednesday
  • Онлайн

Lecture Alexander Lysov on Generative Art and Complexity Theory

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4607 дней назад
14 September 2011 c 19:00 до 21:00

Alexander Lysov is a generative artist. He creates his works using computer software. In his works, complex combinations of certain parameters form the image. He participated in Russian, European and American contemporary art exhibitions.

During his lecture, Alexander will speak about the key feature of generative art — creating ordered and disordered systems. He will start with reviewing main clusters that develop generative art and explain its terminology and structure. Alexander will present a paradigm of art perception in the context of complexity and information theories and cover works that were created using autonomous systems.

Alexandr Lysov: «The key feature of generative art is employing systems of this or that type. These systems may be ordered or disordered, chaotic. Complexity and information theories suggest that ordered and disordered systems are quite simple, while complex systems exhibit traits of order and disorder simultaneously. Thus, order to randomness ratio may become the starting point for classifying systems used in generative art, as well as the basis for understanding generative art.

During the last 20 years or so scientists have been trying to work out a new understanding of a system. Various systems and system types were researched and later mathematically modeled under the broad complexity theory umbrella. Because employing systems is an integrate part of generative art, an abstract understanding of them is very important for an artist who uses this technique, and complexity theory can offer much and more in this regard».


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