• 17 September 2011, Saturday
  • Онлайн

Lecture Ab Rogers Design on Emotional Spaces and Attractive Objects

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4614 дней назад
17 September 2011 c 19:00 до 21:00

AbRogersDesign is a British design studio that specializes on interior design and creates environments for homes, museums, galleries and shops. AbRogersDesign in collaboration with Strelka Institute will lead a workshop titled Street Interventions. Its participants will create interactive objects and learn to communicate with people and make them think out of the box through design.

The lecture will cover how important color and rhythm are for design, how these two elements can influence people and shape their behavior. AbRogersDesign will analyze some of their projects (Comme des Garcons,the Rainbow House, study zone in Tate Modern Museum and «A day in the lifeof Ernesto Bones» exhibition at Staley Picker Gallery), examine the concepts, the ideas that inspired the designers and what they learned working on these projects.

Ab Rogers Design: «If you place a bench in the street, people will sit on it; if someone in the street gives you a glass of champagne, you will gladly drink it. Such interventions change people’s expectations, their perception of space and their experience. The lecture will focus on how our works change public spaces, how they interact with the visitors and how various environments influence a person’s behavior».

Language: english (translated to russian)

Target audience: designers, architects, media


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