• 15 September 2011, Thursday
  • Онлайн

Lecture Lecture Axel and Boris Vervoordt on the inspiration of wabi

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4616 дней назад
15 September 2011 c 19:00 до 21:00

Axel Fervoordt is a Belgian designer and antiques collector, gallery owner, author of three books and founder of Axel Vervoordt, a multi-disciplinary company that works in interior- and furniture design, antiques, archeology, modern art and real estate. About a hundred designers, art historians, architects, artists and restorers work at Axel Vervoordt’s family firm. The antiques, art and interior design department is run by his son Boris. 

The lecture will be about the concept of wabi, to which Alex Vevoordt devoted his last book and which lies at the heart of many of his firm’s interior creations. The Japanese wabi philosophy is based on simplicity and restraint, on a rejection of everything excessive, extreme and artificial, on using natural materials and ancient objects. The lecturers will talk about what it is about the wabi philosophy that inspires them, why it’s important in today’s world, what wabi principles they use in their interiors, and what’s important when doing a project for a client. 

Language: english (translated to russian)


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