• 10 September 2011, Saturday
  • Онлайн

Conference City Magazines Forum

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4605 дней назад
с 16:00 10 September до 20:00 11 September 2011

This forum on City Magazines is dedicated to the current status of print media, the role of thematic magazines, and the development of publications that cover urbanism, architecture, design, and construction technologies. The format of these journals makes it possible to combine actuality and timeliness with a deep and thorough study of the topics at hand. At the same time, city journals take an important place in the life of the city, in the processes and events that are going on in the city. However, the role of paper journals is changing, due to globalization and the boom of Internet media. The forum’s speakers will discuss the problems and challenges connected with these changes.

Editors-in-chief Jiang Jun of Urban China, Arjen Oosterman of Volume, Alexey Muratov of Project Russia, and art directors Peng Yangdzhun of Outlook magazine, — and — will talk about their journals and its concepts and characteristics. In addition, during two public debates they will discuss what structure and content magazines should take in this era of excessive but fragmented information, and how magazines can maintain their social function. Attendants will find out how modern-day publications keep pace and how they find a balance between immediate demands and universal values, about the importance of local presence and how to link this to global processes, and how to best approach problems of urbanism and architecture nowadays.

Language: english (translated to russian)


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