• 19 September 2011, Monday
  • Онлайн

Discussion Urban Communities: From Real to Virtual and Vice Versa

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4612 дней назад
19 September 2011 c 20:30 до 21:45

Nowadays, communities are increasingly organized around areas of interest rather than around geographical location. Social media help us share our ideas and contact people from all over the world. At the same time, we are increasingly moving away from the people that live near us, in the same house or neighborhood, or in the same street. During this discussion, we want to find out in which way social media can help to revive local communities that centralize around a common interest base there, where people live and work: the cleanness of our houses, food stores, coffee shops, parking lots, etc. We want to find out about success stories of local communities that have developed online, but unite people in physical space.


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