• 18 September 2011, Sunday
  • Онлайн

Lecture TEDx Inspiration

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4612 дней назад
18 September 2011 c 19:00 до 21:00

The best speeches on social media in TED’s history will be shown, courtesy of the Tedx Vorobyovy-Gory project team. During the showing, while trying to remove all modern and geographic divides and justify the slogan Ideas Worth Spreading, we will talk about the influence of social media on the educational system, about tendencies in the planning of urban space, social environment and culture, about new technologies and upcoming changes.

Curator: TEDx Vorobyovy-Gory

Moderator: Maksim Girin, vice-president for education at SOMAR and marketing professor at Russia’s leading MBA schools.

As a part ofSocial Media Week in Moscow

Language: russian


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