• 27 August 2011, Saturday
  • Онлайн

Lecture Alexandra Nekrasova on current trends in the American publishing industry

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4624 дня назад
27 August 2011 c 15:00 до 17:00

Alexandra Nekrasova — publisher, graduate of the Publishing Course at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism in New York.

Her lecture will be dedicated to the current state of the American publishing industry. It will focus on the Amazon revolution in the book business, the changing role of publishing houses, agent models of book sales, and project Bookish. Alexandra will talk about what American market leaders see as the books and magazines of the future, as well about new ways to monetize content.

Alexandra Nekrasova: “2011 became a time of great change in the American book industry: The "Big Six" of the publishing houses switched to an agent model of book sales, while the country’s largest bookstore chain, Borders, went bankrupt, and Amanda Hocking became the first independent author to make a million selling her books on Amazon. Publishing houses respond quickly to the changing culture in book- and magazine reading – they found App Labs, buy digital media agencies to develop advertising campaigns, and experiment with the format of their books."


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