• 3 September 2011, Saturday
  • Онлайн

Workshop Virtual Museum: The development of the concept of the Polytechnical Museum site

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4619 дней назад
с 12:00 3 September до 19:00 11 September 2011


The Polytechnical Museum, which stands today on the threshold of modernization, is aware of the need to create a modern virtual space. The development of a virtual platform and its promotion in the internet will keep the brand of the museum alive during the renovation of the historic building. During this time, the internet space will be thr key source of information about the museum and its activities and will help maintain the urgency and activity of the museum during the entire period of modernization. Creating a platform that will be a prototype of the museum, having open access to library collections, expansion of the museum audience and create virtual tours — all this is a new step in the formation of a cultural space and the relationship between the virtual and the physical.

The workshop in conjunction with Kin Design aims to develop a new concept of the website that will allow the Polytechnical museum to move beyond areas of Moscow and develop by means of new resources of presenting museums online in the internet field.


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