• 19 August 2011, Friday
  • Онлайн

Lecture Ian Gonczarow about the Translate/Transcribe exhibition

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4646 дней назад
19 August 2011 c 19:00 до 21:00

Ian Gonczarow is a British artist, a Fine Art course leader at the British Higher School of Art and Design Moscow and a curator of the non-commercial part of the 15th International art fair Art Moscow — Translate/Transcribe exhibition and education programme.

This exhibition of young and emerging artists from the UK will be the first show of its kind for Russian art audiences, highlighting new ways in which orthodoxy and acceptability may be challenged.

During the lecture Ian Gonczarow will talk about the artists in the show and some of their work. Art director of Art Moscow Christina Steinbrecher will join for a discussion about Art Moscow and the status of contemporary art.  


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