• 18 August 2011, Thursday
  • Онлайн

Discussion Point of Ramification: Interaction

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4634 дня назад
18 August 2011 c 19:00 до 20:30

The completed «Point of Ramification: Interaction» workshop and its results will be presented at a round table led by moderators Edward Heyman, Filipp Katz, Katya Larina, Daniyar Yusupov, Maxim Malein, Milan Stamenkovic, Alexandra Boldyreva, and invited experts.

Edward Heyman and Philip Katz are multidisciplinary architects, graduates of the Scientific Research Institute of the Theory of Architecture and Urban Planning, and organizers of «Point of Ramification», a research initiative to promote high-tech architecture and modern views on project culture.

Katya Larina and Daniyar Yusupov are architects, teachers at CPBGASU’s Department of Urban Design and Urban Environment Design, and creators of u:lab.spb, which engages in research on urbanism and new design techniques.

Maxim Malein is an architect at DigitalBakery studio, which uses parametric and generative design in its work.

Alexandra Boldyreva is an architect and winner of the «Eurasian Award.» She conducts research in the field of parametric design.

The round table participants will present their views on interactive and parametric methods in architecture and design, on the possibility to create fundamentally new working processes through collaboration and by using new means of communication, and on the importance of seeing the city through a prism of technology and nonlinear theories.

Language: english


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