• 15 August 2011, Monday
  • Онлайн

Lecture Filipp Katz: Knowledge Management

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4631 день назад
15 August 2011 c 14:00 до 15:30

Filipp Katz is a Russian architect and graduate of the Academic Research Institute of architecture and urban construction theory. He worked at Andrey Chernikhov’s workshop and at the Israeli architectural bureau Knafo Klimor Architects. He participated in several international competitions, such as the creation of the Holocaust victims memorial in Atlanta (USA), the design of the coastal strip of Ashdod (Israel) and the development of a Mercedes-Benz salon. He has several publications behind his name, in which he leads the search for new design methods within the parametric approach and he tries to comprehend ongoing changes in the collective consciousness.

At this lecture, Filipp will consider different methods of communication, of «sharing», and of collaborative work and services with the help of which they can be put into practice. He will also talk about the Design Model of Dutch architect Ben van Berkel and about the stages of design and information storage in architecture.

Filipp Katz: «The management of information streams becomes an all but trivial task at a time when we are moving away from «classical» working schemes or are starting to use modern technology, significantly accelerating the processes. That way, a transition process from quantity to quality takes place. The system‘s slowest element turns out to be man, and linear chains of information exchange begin to slow down the process. Although new formats of distribution, accumulation and storage of heterogeneous mass data all bring in their specificity». 


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