• 14 August 2011, Sunday
  • Онлайн

Lecture Dimitry Demin on parametric facades

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4638 дней назад
14 August 2011 c 19:00 до 20:00

Demin Dimitry is an architect and an engineer educated in Russia, Germany and Switzerland. Over the past four years, Dimitry has led practical activities in architecture and parametric design in applied mathematics for Bollinger+Grohmann Ingeneers, schneider+schumacher Architekten, and Permasteelisa Group.

As part of the lecture, he will present different directions in contemporary design of high-tech, energy saving, media and kinetics of transforming facades after the example of two German firms, Gartner Steel and Glass GmbH, and Rhino-in-Russia.

Demin Dimitry: «Over the past few years, the parametric design methods of shells of buildings greatly expanded the possibilities of design. Today’s design of facades doesn’t just depend on the aesthetics and durability of the structure, but it forces to reconsider models of architectural-engeneering design, which take on a physical-mathematical character. In its turn, this model appears the link between design and functionality».


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