• 12 August 2011, Friday
  • Онлайн

Lecture DigitalBakery: Maxim Malein on parametric design in Russia

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4641 день назад
12 August 2011 c 20:00 до 21:00

Maxim Malein is an architect of the DigitalBakery studio, a graduate of Nizhny Novgorod’s State Architectural and Construction University and London’s Bartlett School Of Architecture. During his time at British architectural bureau Wilkinson Eyre Architects, Maxim took part in an international competition for the construction of a multifunctional business center in St. Petersburg, in the creation of a ski-jump and a sports center in Nizhny Novgorod, and in developing a parametric model for the development of Saudi Arabia’s Jeddah coastal territory. As part of the Architectural Workshop of A.Asadov, Maxim worked on projects for the central Olympic Stadium in Sochi, the Music Theatre in Kaliningrad and the Plav-boulevard on the Moscow River.

The lecture will be about parametric design that allows, with the help of changing parameters, to test different constructive schemes and to avoid mistakes, as well as to work with complex architectural objects that are impossible to design with traditional means. Maxim talks about projects of the DigitalBakery architectural studio, which uses systems of parametric and generative design, and about the issues faced when promoting the parametric approach for design and construction in Russia. Attendants find out whether there is a demand for parametric objects in Russia, and what it costs to build a complex curved surface.


Language: english


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