• 8 August 2011, Monday
  • Онлайн

Conference Presentation of the «Zombieheights» workshop results

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4639 дней назад
8 August 2011 c 18:00 до 20:00

Participants of the «Quarter Zombie» workshop will present their films and installations. The workshop took place under the leadership of Noam Toran, senior lecturer at the Design Interaction course of London’s Royal College of Art, one of the most influential post-graduate art and design programs. For a week, its participants discussed problems connected to the development of new technologies and the gradual «coming to life of objects,» and they conducted research, analysed film scenarios, and worked on constructing, shooting, and editing.

Noam Toran, the workshop’s curator: «Today, the things around us are becoming more complex and ways to interact with them more complicated. I like to think of these things as "zombies." Zombies are beings that are midway between the living and the dead, and they are not very happy because of this. The goal of this workshop is to get designers and architects to understand the social and ethical complications caused by new developments in science and technology, and to participate in the discussion and not just be observers. The workshop will result in a selection from films or installations on which students will work in groups. Each group will work out a scenario in which different objects will alledgedly realize what they want in life.»



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