• 24 June 2011, Friday
  • Онлайн

Workshop Design Feeds: Seeding Living Environments

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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
4687 дней назад
с 11:00 24 June до 18:00 3 July 2011

Design Feeds is a collaborative workshop exploring how designers can intervene and craft urban space. Intervening at an urban scale calls for designers to move beyond specialist boundaries and take a trans-disciplinary approach by questioning how we can create living environments that synthesise both living matter and technological tools through the convergence of biology, ecology, architecture and design.

The participants of the workshop led by Mathias Gmachl and Rachel Wingfield of design studio Loop.pH will design and construct a series of interventions in Gorky Park that re-interpret urban space, catalysing near-future visions and locating stories and visions with place. The process will run over ten days and cover a wide range of activities including walking tours by local experts, mapping using mobile technologies, bamboo building techniques, parametric design tools and storytelling.

Language: english

Price: 500 roubles

Target audience: designers, architects

Requirements: english


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